Office Hrs: 9.00am to 6.00pm


Schoolplayer Education Management Software is a market-leading platform for Schools/Colleges/Universities It is user-interactive, flexible, robust, easy accessable , diversified and embedded in every generation of devices. It is an educational system to fulfil the daily requirements of all Institutions with the best facilities, features and functions, whether it is large/small. It delivers different roles and functionality to every unique user with diversified perspectives to make it user friendly. We have different Types of roles in the software the User can login by chosing the role we have different roles for teachers, students, Parents and management etc. there are different types of roles for different type of users

Cloud Based

Multi Institute

Customizable ERP


"Experience a one-of-a-kind learning adventure through a digital educational platform."

for Management
  • Class / Stream wise Fees paid / Pending Status

  • Reduces 50% Admin and 70% Stationery Cost

  • Teacher / Student / Non-Teaching Staff - Performance Analysis & MIS Reports

  • Multi-Institute

  • Instant Update of daily activities of Students / Teachers / Non-Teaching staff

  • Monitor Attendance Report of Students / Faculty

  • Online Enrollment for Teachers / Students

  • Quick Messaging / SMS will help in effective communication through Mobile / Web login

for Teacher
  • Manage Class Information

  • Create Online Exam and Customised Question Paper Generator

  • Computerized Marksheet, Grades & Certificate

  • Quality Interaction with Parents / Students

  • Time Table Creation and Scheduling

  • Analytical Reports of Students

  • Upload Classwork, Homework, Assignment, Notes and Syllabus

  • Online Attendance of Students via Mobile & Web

for Student / Parent
  • Student / Parent can see Classwork, Homework & Assignment

  • Computerized Marks / Grades

  • TeacherAttendance & Performance Reports

  • Instant Messaging with Teachers

  • Easy Availability of Notice / Circular

  • Real-Time Information


"Enjoy effortless functionality with a variety of cross-platform features and a straightforward yet powerful interface."

Academics Management

Stream / Departments

Handily manage multiple departments and streams with our software. Create timetables, assign teachers department-wise, and track student progress and attendance.

Course And Batch

Easily manage multiple courses and batches at once. You can create, assign, and track courses, as well as set up and manage batches for students. This helps to ensure that your school's academic operations run smoothly and efficiently.

Shifts And Semesters

Manage multiple shifts and semesters for various departments, including streamlining class schedules, tracking attendance, assigning teachers, and monitoring student progress.


Quickly create, customize, issue, print and distribute certificates for accomplishments such as academic excellence, sports, and extracurricular activities using this feature.

Assignment And Notes

Students can view and submit Assignments & Notes given by teachers to their respective classes. Students and parents get a notification on their mobile application for the assignment/note received from the school.

Time Table

You can easily create class schedules, assign teachers to classes, and schedule breaks and holidays using an intuitive interface, while ensuring that there are no scheduling conflicts.

Classwork And Homework

Teachers can easily create assignments and distribute them to students, while students will get notified and can view and submit their work online using our mobile app.

Syllabus And Circular

Easily upload and share syllabus and circulars about upcoming events like meetings, cultural programs, examinations, and other activities with students, parents, and staff members.

Lesson Planning

The software allows teachers to organize, plan, create, manage, and track lesson plans, set learning objectives, and align them with the curriculum. It optimizes time management, reduces workload, and improves teaching efficiency.

Student Management

Online Enrolments

Parents and students can easily complete enrolment forms and submit required documents online, reducing paperwork and time spent on manual data entry.

Online Entrance Examination

Allowing students to take exams from the comfort of their own homes, the software automatically grades and analyses the results ensuring a fair, standardized, and efficient admissions process.

Attendance And Leave

Track attendance for students and teachers and generate attendance reports. The admin can approve or reject leaves for students, teachers, and other staff members using our mobile app from anywhere in the world.

Parent - Teacher Meeting (PTM)

Simplify the process of organizing and scheduling parent-teacher meetings, allowing parents and teachers to connect and discuss a student's progress and any concerns.

Health Managemant

With no trouble track and manage student health records, medications, and appointments for a safer and healthier school environment. It helps schools to identify trends in health issues and implement appropriate interventions.

Event And Task Management

Administrators can easily create and manage school events, such as parent-teacher meetings, sports tournaments, and cultural programs enabling teachers to assign and track tasks, set deadlines, and monitor progress.


The admin or teacher can promote or aluminate students to the next semester/academic year effortlessly with a single click. It also enables schools to track the progress and career paths of their former students.

Performance Reports

The software allows the admin or teacher to generate performance reports for students related to their attendance, academic progress, and overall growth keeping parents informed about their child's academic performance.

Email & Notification & Chat

Students and teachers can be informed about academic activities like class schedules, assignments, announcements, and emergency alerts, through notifications and communicate with each other effortlessly via the SMS feature of our.


Vehicle, Driver Details

Our module displays a list of vehicle numbers, maximum seat allocation, and insurance renewal dates, as well as various driver contact numbers and information.

Vehicle Tracking

The software can also provide real-time tracking of buses, allowing parents and school administrators to monitor their whereabouts and ensure the safety of students.

Route Details, Destinations

Manage bus routes and track vehicles in real-time. This feature also allows for the scheduling of pickups and drop-offs, as well as providing parents with information about bus routes and destinations.

Transpotation Allocation And Fees

This feature allows you to allocate vehicles, as well as calculate and collect transportation fees. Ensure smooth transportation management and accurate fee collection for both the school administration and parents.

Hostel Types And Rooms Allocation

Manage different types of hostels and allocate rooms to students. The software can accommodate different hostel types such as boys, girls, and staff quarters. View available rooms, assign them, and monitor occupancy rates.

Hostel Registers And Fees

Create and manage hostel registers, including room allocation, student details, and check-in/check-out times. It also facilitates the process of managing hostel fees, such as tracking payments and generating receipts.

Hostel Details

This feature assists students in managing their expenses within their allocated budget, helping them deposit and withdraw funds as needed, while also allowing hostel managers to monitor their spending and balance.

Book Issue And Return

Enabling librarians to keep track of the books borrowed and returned by students and staff members, as well as their due dates. This feature also enables librarians to manage inventory and generate reports on book circulation.

Book Lost And Fine

Easily keep track of missing books and charge fines to students who do not return them on time, simplifying the fine collection process and generating reports for school administration.

Exam Management

Online / Manual Examination

Schools can manage both online and offline exam schedules, create question papers, manage grades, and analyze results in a highly efficient manner, simplifying the exam process and reducing manual labor.

Question Bank

Generate question banks for various subjects department-wise for students as well as the applicants who apply for an online entrance examination.

Question Paper Generator

This feature allows you to generate question papers for various subjects and classes of various types like multiple choice questions, short questions, descriptive, etc.

Exam Timetable

Enabling school administrators to easily input and organize exams by date, subject, and class, ensuring that each student receives their respective exam schedule, saving time and reducing errors during exam periods.

Set Grading/ Ranking Levels

The online examination module will help calculate grading/ranking levels according to the student’s exam performance. The student will get fast results with a better evaluation process.

Class Designation

Schools can set class designations according to grades or marks obtained by students and also allocate them class designations according to the criteria set based on their performance.

Exam Center Allocation

This feature help schools allocate different exam centers and rooms to students for offline exams, considering various factors like capacity, location, and availability to ensure the fair allocation of centers.

Issue Hall Tickets

Admins can quickly and easily create and customize hall tickets with relevant details, including exam dates and times, exam centers, and student information, and distribute them to students in a timely and efficient manner.

Exam Report

This module helps admin/teachers design and manage exam reports of each student and generate different types of Reports containing students' monthly and yearly activities and performance evolution.

Fees & Finance Management

Fee Settings

Make fee collection settings like payment modes, payment types (monthly, half-yearly, quarterly), fee receipts, terms and conditions, and concessions.

Fee Collection

Automate the fee payment process by ensuring timely fee submission, tracking payment status, generating invoices, and receipts, and eliminating the need for manual tracking and recording of payments.

Fee Report

School admins can generate student-wise reports on fee collections, overdue payments, and fee outstanding by reducing errors and improving transparency in financial reporting.

Payment And SMS Gateway Integration

This feature ensures secure and convenient payment transactions, while also providing real-time communication to parents and students regarding school activities and updates.

Define Account Masters

School admins can manage the financial aspects of the school such as fees, expenses, and income. It enables the creation and management of various types of accounts, including bank accounts, debtor accounts, and income accounts.

Account Management

Our module manages and supervises bank/cash transactions, expenses, trial balance, balance sheet, and journal vouchers, helping admins to manage school finances efficiently without any errors.

MIS Reports

Get MIS reports that include student performance data, attendance records, teacher schedules, fee collections, and financial reports in various formats, such as charts, graphs, and tables, allowing for easy analysis and decision-making.

Asset And Inventory

Efficiently manage school assets and inventory with our module. Track usage, maintenance, and depreciation, and streamline purchase requests and approvals. Stay organized and save time.


Admins can track maintenance schedules, assign maintenance tasks, and generate work orders, keeping assets in good condition and reducing the risk of breakdowns or repairs, making decisions about asset replacement or repair.

Employee / HRM Management

Employee Recruitment

Facilitate the hiring process by creating job postings, receiving applications, scheduling interviews, and storing candidate information in one centralized location.

Salary Setting And Increments

Admin can make all the salary settings related to salary taxes, salary bonuses, and advance salary. Admin can also manage employee-wise salary increments to be made.

Biometric Attendance

Accurately record the attendance of students and staff using fingerprints or facial recognition. This feature provides a secure and efficient way of tracking attendance and reducing the potential for errors or fraud.

General Payslips

Admin and teachers can generate and distribute accurate and timely payslips, simplifying the payroll process and reducing errors, making it easier for schools to manage their finances.

Payroll Reports

Get payroll reports regarding payment information, including deductions, allowances, and taxes, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Leave Requests And Approval

Teachers or staff members can request leave online using our mobile app. The admin can approve or reject leaves for teachers, and other staff members using our mobile app.

Manage Holidays

Admin can assign weekly, festival, and other holidays to teachers and staff members, managing salary deductions. This feature also ensures that the academic calendar remains up-to-date and accurate.

Generate Id Cards

Generate & print ID cards in bulk or individually as needed for students, teachers, and staff members allowing for easy customization of the ID cards with school logos, photos, and other necessary information.

Performance Reports

The software collects data such as attendance, grades, and student feedback to generate reports for each teacher to make informed decisions about promotions, training, and other aspects of staff development.


Feature-rich application to keep everyone engaged and updated

Advance Mobile App

Mobile App is an easy and efficient way for parents, students, and teachers to access important school information anytime, anywhere through some clicks

SMS Gateway Integration

SMS gateway integration provides a reliable and efficient way for the school to send SMS messages to students, employees and parents.

Customization as per the Organization Requirement

Our school management software provide flexibility to adapt the organizational requirements we can do the customization with the roles too

Question paper Generator and Online Exam

Allows admins and teachers to quickly generate question bank lists for their teaching subjects and upload multiple question papers.

Payment Gateway Integration

Payment gateway integration allows schools to accept payments from various sources, such as credit/debit cards, net banking, and digital wallets.

Operations & Data Analysis

Utilizes statistical and computational methods to extract insights and make data-driven decisions that drive educational growth and innovation.


School management become easy with our mobile app - stay connected, organized, and informed with just a few cliks!

  • Academic Management

    Manage Assignment, Homework, Classwork, Lesson Planning, Syllabus, Notes and Circular.

  • HRM and Payslip

    Manage employee salary and generate payslip

  • Online and Manual Exam Management

    Manage online exam and result marking.

  • ID Card / Library Management

    Generate and Print ID Card and Manage available books, its issues and returns for ease.

  • Transportation Management / Student Tracking

    Manage Vehicle, Driver, Route, Destination details, Vehicle tracking and transportation fees and also Teachers can keep eye on their children.

  • Inventory Management / Maintenance

    Request for inventory and notification of inventory reminder and Raising a ticket by faculty and student at time of inconvenience.

  • Employee and Student Attendance

    Manage and view attendance with a detailed report and Manage approval and rejection for employee and student leave.

  • Time-table Management

    Automated timetable for every single class and divisions.

  • Fees Management

    Check the status of fees outstanding and send reminder.

  • Front Desk Management / Messaging

    Share One to One and One to Many SMS and Push Notification.

  • Leave management

    Manage approval and rejection for employee and student leave.

  • Virtual Class Room

    Conduct online meeting class wise.

School management made easy with our mobile app - stay connected, organized, and informed with just a few taps!

  • Academic Management

    Students and Parents can view Assignment, Homework, Classwork, Lesson Planning, Syllabus, Notes and Circular.

  • Leave Management

    Students can apply for leave.

  • Online Exam and Result

    Attend online exam and check result.

  • Messaging

    Ease of communication with faculty and management.

  • Vehicle / Student Tracking

    Parents can be worry free by tracking their children's vehicle status and child activities.

  • Virtual Classroom

    Attend online meeting.

  • Parent-teacher meeting

    get updates about scheduled parent-teacher meetings and create a supportive learning environment for the student.

  • Attendance Management

    Check student attendance status.

  • Time-table Management

    Students can check their time-table.

  • Fees Management

    Pay online fees and upload challan.

  • Library Management

    To Manage available books, its issues and returns for ease.

  • Student Pickup

    Scan QR code of ID card to verify student details.

School management made easy with our mobile app - stay connected, organized, and informed with just a few taps!

  • Student Management

    Easily store, edit, and update student information, including contact information, emergency contacts, attendance records, parent information, and more.

  • Communication tools/Virtual Classroom

    Send out notifications and announcements to students and parents, as well as schedule parent-teacher conferences.

  • Event management

    Easily manage class and school schedules, as well as upcoming events such as field trips and assemblies.

  • Classroom collaboration

    Enable collaboration between teachers and students within the classroom, including group work and group projects.

  • Student Tracking

    Teachers can assurance of student’s safety by staying informed of student's vehicle status and activities.

  • Exam Management and Grading

    Automatically generate digital gradebooks for each class, allowing teachers to track student progress over time and make it easier to assign and submit grades.

  • Assignments and assessments

    Create and manage assignments and assessments, including tracking student progress and providing feedback.

  • Learning resources/Assign Study Material

    Access a library of learning resources, such as lesson plans, videos, and other educational materials.

  • Timetable Management

    Teachers can schedule timetables for individual classes and sections.

  • Parent-teacher meeting

    schedule parent-teacher meetings and create a supportive learning environment for the student.

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